Coat Hooks
Art. TA93

Embossed resin board with screws and dowels

coat hook TA93 COAT HOOK TA93, design coat hooks. Mital manufactures coat hooks: embossed resin board with screws and dowels.
coat hook TA93 COAT HOOK TA93, design coat hooks. Mital manufactures coat hooks: embossed resin board with screws and dowels.

Available Finishings

White base with white or grey or black edge

Grey base with white edge

Black base with white or black edge

Information Request
coat hook coat hook MITAL
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Embossed resin board with screws and dowels
Carlo Martin
1981 Reggimensole, Pomoli, Maniglie Treviso
Via Cherso, 21
31045 Motta di Livenza (TV)